Degree Programs
The Department of Biology offers two majors that provide the flexibility students need to meet their career goals.
Biology Programs
With degrees in both professional and applied biology, the University of Evansville offers the preparation you will need to be successful no matter what you pursue after graduation.
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Professional Biology
The professional biology major provides a rigorous foundation for students to go on to graduate or professional schools. To prepare for these studies, students can tailor their area of interest in graduate school or in their area of study for programs in pre-dentistry, pre-medicine, pre-optometry, and pre-veterinary medicine.
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Applied Biology
The applied biology major prepares students for private sector jobs. Applied biology majors have the flexibility to incorporate a concentrated set of courses from additional areas (e.g., education, business, creative writing, political science) with their biology course work. Students seeking internships or desiring to double major frequently benefit from the applied biology major. Students who enjoy biology may be interested in other degree programs at the University. Some complementary programs include biochemistry, chemistry, environmental science, and environmental administration.
Examples of typical fall and spring schedules during the first two years for Professional Bachelor of Science majors:
Freshman Year:
Fall | Spring |
FYS 111/112: First Year Seminar – 3H | BIOL 118: Environmental Perspectives – 3H |
BIOL 119: Molecular Perspectives – 4H | BIOL 299: Phage Genomics - 3H |
CHEM 118: General Chemistry – 4H | Language/General Education – 3H |
ID 106: Excelling in Science – 1H | CHEM 240: Organic Chemistry I – 4H |
Language/General Education – 3H | Language/General Education – 3H |
Sophomore Year:
Fall | Spring* |
BIOL 120: Organismal Diversity – 4H | Biology Elective – 3H or 4H |
BIOL 320: Evolution and Ecology – 4H | MATH 134/221: Calculus – 3H/4H |
CHEM 341: Organic Chemistry II – 5H | General Education/British Studies* – 3H |
General Education – 3H | General Education/British Studies* – 3H |
*Students interested in the UE study abroad program at Harlaxton College are encouraged to attend during their sophomore year.
Junior and Senior Years:
Biology courses, general education courses, and elective courses taken may vary and are tailored to meet the needs and interests of the students.
Office Phone
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Office Location
Room 231, Koch Center for Engineering and Science